2019 Graduation Collection: Self- Directed Studio. Assessment 1 Portfolio  


Australian Catholic University: Bachelor of Visual Arts and Design

This body of work aimed to communicate the importance of my chilean ethnicity and the power of interweaving immigrant culture and the denim material.

The use of denim as the sole material within this collection, created a direct link to the relationship to the “workers wear”, trustworthy fabric and everyday jeans that may be a staple in most individuals wardrobes. I relate to this material as significant as any uniform I have worn throughout my life.

Growing up around the importance of hard work, patience and shoving “shame” in your back pocket. Both my parents came to Australia as Immigrants. They cleaned homes, worked multiple jobs and all the while I recall a very vivid memory, being very young (probably five years of age) smelling the distinct scent of window cleaner, and my Mum in a pair of three-quarter jeans and a white t-shirt, cleaning the last house of the day.

Therefore, this Wearable Art Collection, is an homage to the lessons, lived experiences and immigrant culture that has shaped the person I am and the practise I am constructing.

The Process.


To conceptualise my first assessment, I began by sketching out a scene that took inspiration from my heritage, physical experiences within stores and all the while pertaining the idea that the experience of an individual cannot be sold or taken, rather it can only be sympathised with and understood.

Brain storming.

Physical notes are a strong part of my conceptual process, especially for brainstorming and working through my thoughts for a project of any size. The brainstorm above, outlines the connection to my chilean heritage and why I connect to it so strongly through Art. Therefore reminding myself of the purpose and drive behind all of my projects.



July Stewart wears the patchwork utility vest within the exhibition space. He is sitting on a customised denim seat, whilst he caresses the vest. Stewart was chosen specifically, as he has the ability to connect to the notions of Immigrant culture and what denim means to him.

Exhibition space sketch: Shelving outlines and planning for installation, that can be seen in the background of the model shots. This exhibition space was tailored to create a “luxury boutique”.

Exhibition space sketch:

Shelving outlines and planning for installation, that can be seen in the background of the model shots. This exhibition space was tailored to create a “luxury boutique”.

Pattern drafting that was made with reference to a previous bust pattern. The organic line that curves at the bottom of the pattern was drawn by hand without any preexisting measurements. (this is a demonstration of what I can achieve with further k…

Pattern drafting that was made with reference to a previous bust pattern. The organic line that curves at the bottom of the pattern was drawn by hand without any preexisting measurements. (this is a demonstration of what I can achieve with further knowledge and education behind pattern drafting)

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Within this product sketch, I outline the elements and purpose of the vest. “Smaller to hug your body and be a functional item” The vest was made with the intention of being useful from the very beginning of it’s design.



Model Roshan Ramesh is photographed by myself within the exhibition space that was built by my Dad and Myself. The previous design of the shelving can be seen in the background. I chose to include shelving within the space to cover the existing paint sinks, whilst also elevate the pupose of my collection.

Model Roshan Ramesh, photographed by myself. Sitting within the exhibition space

Model Roshan Ramesh, photographed by myself. Sitting within the exhibition space

This is the pattern that I took the inspiration for this trench coat. As mentioned previously, my knowledge and skill within pattern drafting is quite minimal, therefore I altered and changed this store bought pattern to suit the form I wanted to ac…

This is the pattern that I took the inspiration for this trench coat. As mentioned previously, my knowledge and skill within pattern drafting is quite minimal, therefore I altered and changed this store bought pattern to suit the form I wanted to achieve.

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